A Remote Pilot Certificate from the FAA is legally required to fly a drone for any non-recreational purpose. This isn’t limited to drone cinematography and photography but also includes using a drone for any business purpose, such as surveying. Vervocity’s own videographer has this certification and is ready to capture aerial drone videos for your company.
When it comes to drone operations, remember that a pilot operating without the FAA license, as well as the business that hired them, can face steep fines if the drone is used for business purposes. These fines can be up to $1,100 per occurrence for the pilot, and even higher for the client that hired them – up to $11,000! Not only can your business receive fines for hiring an unlicensed pilot, but the FAA also puts the burden of verification on the shoulders of the client – meaning it’s your responsibility to know whether your pilot is licensed or not.
We understand that a pilot must pass a test administered by the FAA in order to receive their Remote Pilot Certificate, ensuring they are familiar with flight operations as well as airspace regulations. This is critical for a pilot to know where operations can be safely conducted, and this can give you more confidence that the pilot you’ve hired is conducting flight operations as safely as possible and minimizing your own risk.
The Remote Pilot Certificate must be renewed every two years, so make sure your pilot’s certification is still current! As a business, make sure you only hire legal, insured, licensed drone operators for professional photography and drone video production needs. For that reason, Vervocity in Quincy, IL is your top choice in drone operations. We’re licensed and ready to fly!