You’ve seen http and https in front of URLs and you’re probably wondering what that means. HTTP is HyperText Transfer Protocol and HTTPS is HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure. The latter is a good thing.
Network administrators decided to use HTTP to exchange online information, but intercepting data was too easy. People can also send bad software to your computer through “man-in-the-middle” attacks or trick you into visiting malicious sites in place of the ones you really wanted to see. In steps HTTPS. When using HTTPS, computers agree on a code and then they scramble the messages being transferred using the code so that no one watching can read them. The code is used on a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to send the information back and forth. This keeps your data safe from hackers.
HTTPS ensures confidentiality on your website. It’s not just for credit card purchases anymore. When people see the HTTPS, they know that their info has reached the intended party unaltered and that the website was not modified from its intended format. It’s a way to authenticate the user experience.
HTTPS has become the new standard on the web. Google even announced that its Chrome browser would start labeling sites using HTTP as “not secure” to push creators and consumers to a safer internet experience. Secure websites will definitely see a ranking boost in search results on Google.
Making the switch to HTTPS can be intimidating to the untrained user. (That’s why most of them just call Vervocity to take the big step!) You need to purchase your SSL certificate from your website host, configure hosting with the SSL certificate, change all your website links to HTTPS, and set up 301 redirects from the old HTTP to HTTPS. The migration is a bit of a task, but there are a ton of resources out there to help you.
Vervocity enjoys working with clients to convert their new and old websites to HTTPS. We know that it brings great value to the user experience and brand. Call (217) 222-1451 to discuss making the switch quickly and effortlessly!