Driver Recruitment
Sisbro is a family-oriented trucking company out of Quincy, Illinois. They offer a wide variety of transportation, trucking, warehouse, and cross-dock services in a 17-state Midwest region. This includes regular contract and dedicated driver and equipment operations in all areas of the industry. Sisbro uses marketing to help in driver recruitment. One of their major challenges is making sure potential drivers trust the message they’re trying to communicate. What you say doesn’t matter at all if your audience doesn’t trust the message – if the audience doesn’t believe the message is authentic, you can actually do more harm than good with your marketing. In our opinion, one of the most effective ways to ensure the message is credible is simply by having a customer or staff member give a genuine testimonial about your product or service. In workplace testimonials for Sisbro, the message is simple: Sisbro is a great place to work. It’d be one thing for Sisbro to say this about themselves, but if that message comes from an actual employee, it carries much more credibility.
Build Trust + Credibility
Testimonials like these can be an effective tool for any product or service. It gives your audience someone’s personal experience to relate to, and reinforces that experience with a built-in referral, building the audience’s trust in your message. We also know that when it comes to testimonials, it’s always better for them to be unscripted. Viewers easily determine when an interview is scripted or rehearsed, and again, this can actually harm your credibility more than if you hadn’t said anything at all. At Vervocity, we have years of experience conducting testimonial interviews in a way that communicates the message you want to relay, while also being completely genuine. Contact us today to see how testimonial videos can benefit your business!
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